Episode 212: The Quicksand of Professionalism

In an effort to preserve our various traits and qualities as people, many of us strive for a work/life balance between our professional and personal selves. But in the larger context of our world and its economy, professional (and associated productive) behavior can be treated as more crucial to one’s value. How can professionally-oriented attitudes cast shadows on the practices (unprofessional or otherwise) of our personal lives. Is truly free and personal time threatened by the demands of a professional mindset? Should a workplace extend empathy to it’s employees and their varied lives?

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Episode 207: "Fake It 'Til You Make It"

At various points of uncertainty in our lives, many of us have heard the common encouragement to "Fake it 'til you make it". This week, we wanted to dissect its meaning, intentions and how much wisdom actually lies in these words. Do the pronouns here refer to knowledge, skills, feelings? Perhaps something else is implied? Does false behavior prevent genuine understanding or relationship to one's environment?

Episode 163: The Great American Eclipse

On August 21st, 2017, millions of Americans flocked to see a total solar eclipse as it ventured across the continental U.S. Beyond the visual and scientific marvel, the event came at a time of great division in our country. The path forward is unclear, and rife with political disagreements, shame and fear for our future. But the eclipse obscured all of that for a while, creating unity and a sense of perspective and place in the universe. This week, we speak with technology journalist Wade Roush about his thoughts and experiences on the eclipse. How might it serve as a metaphor for our current political climate? What is its value as a natural phenomenon?

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